I keep on reading Edward Rutherford's historical novels, so I can't have too big a problem with him, but having just finished his The Rebels of Ireland: The Dublin Saga
Another issue I have with Rutherford's books is that despite being intensely interested in the various characters, he never moves me to tears or laughter. This is a big deal because it really doesn't take much to move me to tears, but despite horrendous things happening to the good, interesting people who people his novels, I never feel that gut-wrenching angst that I love. I never get swept away and feel that I inhabit the world he is describing. Perhaps this comes from the fact that he does move from generation to generation in almost a novella or short story fashion, or perhaps I can simply chalk this up to the cardboard quality and uniform dialogue I noted earlier.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed the complete Dublin Saga - both the Princes part and the Rebels part - learned a great deal, enjoyed scouring the maps and geneology trees provided at the front of the book, and will probably read his next book. I haven't read Russka
Now, however, I have a log jam of books that need attention, not the least of which is Claire Tomalin's Jane Austen: A Life
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