
Sunday, June 02, 2024

Big Book Summer Challenge

It's that time of year again--time to break out the big books for reading during the hot days of summer. I am not a beach or pool gal, but I do love to read on our covered back deck when it's too hot to garden.

Once again, Sue from Book by Book is hosting the Big Book Summer Challenge--her 12th year! All you have to do is read at least one book over 400 pages between Memorial Day and Labor, and you've completed the challenge.

I am definitely planning on reading Drood, a 775-page whopper by Dan Simmons, after I finish Dickens' The Mystery of Edwin Drood, which I am reading with the Victorians on GoodReads.

I would also like to read some more of Jeff and Michael Shaara's Civil War novels, all of them are 400+ pages. I read A Blaze of Glory, about Shiloh, in May and am eager to read more of the Western Theatre novels as well as all the others.

My brother Mark told me about a series of books by Alice Roberts, non-fiction on British history. The first, Ancestors: A History of Britain in Seven Burials, clocks in at 400 pages, so it is also a definite possibility for this challenge.

Happy Summer Reading! What's on your shelf?


  1. This is such a good challenge. I definitely will be reading an over 400 page book this summer and it works well with the Medieval Historical novel challenge I'll be taking. I might go with Cloud Cuckoo Land which you recommended last year and part of the novel set in Middle ages.

    I don't know if it reaches 400 pages but Jeff Shara's Rise to Rebellion about the American Revolution is excellent.

    1. I definitely plan to read Shaara's Revolutionary War and WWII novels as well as the Civil War ones. Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. Good luck with this challenge! I think most of my summer reading is going to be well under 400 pages. I like fast and fun in the summer. :D

    1. I like fast and furious as well, which means I may only get one big book done this summer!

  3. It looks like you have some big doorstoppers on your schedule. Dan Simmons is supposed to be good. I liked Michael Shaara's Killer Angels long ago but I haven't read his son's books yet -- I think I would like his. Good luck with your Civil War rabbit hole reading. I still need to get to Erik Larson's latest. ... this summer! Happy reading.

  4. I love Killer Angels and have read 2-3 times, and plan to reread it again. One of my all-time favorite books.

    1. Yay. I was taken away by Killer Angels too. Maybe I need to reread it. I read it when I lived not far from Gettysburg and Antietam and visited both. Perhaps you should do a battlefield trip after all your Civil War readings ...

    2. A battlefield trip (or 2) is definitely in the cards. I am looking at the Stephen Ambrose tours, but not sure I want to go that route or just free form. I have wanted to visit Gettysburg for so long! I did visit Fredericksburg 30+ years ago during a trip to Wash D.C.

  5. AnonymousJune 04, 2024

    Welcome back to Big Book Summer, Jane! So glad you're joining in again. I love Dickens, but I've never heard of Edwin Drood! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Enjoy your Big Books!

    2024 Big Book Summer Challenge

  6. I do like long books, unless I feel they were just poorly edited. I just finished Becoming Madam Secretary about Frances Perkins, which was 500+ but I really just wished the author had included some of Perkins' college experience. Perhaps that got edited out!

    I would also like to visit Gettysburg and I met someone at a conference today who said it's a bit over 3 hours to get from Gettysburg to Falling Water, another place I've always meant to see! He had just been to Wisconsin to visit several Frank Lloyd Wright sites.

    1. A JASNA friend of mine is visiting Falling Water after the AGM in Cleveland this fall--when I was still considering going to it, I fantasized about including both Gettysburg and Falling Water in a post-AGM trip!

  7. Drood has been on my shelf for years. I look forward to seeing what you think!
