
Sunday, January 08, 2023

Balancing Acts

The new year is a perfect time for reassessing goals, dreams, priorities, and what simply makes me happy and how I want to live. 

Reading - I used to say reading is like breathing, it's what I do. But, it's more than that--it both relaxes and stimulates my brain and helps me feel right. However, I lowered my GoodReads reading challenge from the 55-65 that I have been doing for years now to 50--I'm carving out time to read those history magazines that arrive every other month, chock full of great articles that really interest me but that sit in a pile unread because I feel pressure to finish my current book and move on to the next one so that I can meet my completely arbitrary goal. I also want to make time to read the New York Times at least once a month. I do want to know more about what is happening in the world than simply headlines on my smart phone's news feed.

Writing - not sure what I want here. I love my blog, and I treasure this outlet to articulate what I like and don't like about what I read, where I travel, and how I play. I used to have the goal of being a published writer (other than self-publication) but not so much anymore, but I still want to work on developing as an effective writer...which means writing here more consistently.

Working - I toyed with retirement a few months ago, and it is still there, but I am not ready to not work. I like having weekends and evenings and holidays to relax, although I have been able to shorten my work week to M-Th and lengthen my weekends to include Fridays. I honestly like the work I do in high-tech marketing, find it challenging and rewarding, and I like getting a paycheck. I realized that the first thing I would do if I retired would be to get a retirement job, so the question became why leave?

Playing - I received a tabletop loom for Christmas and am eager to learn to weave. I have always loved textiles, and this is one of those activities that I think will bring me joy. I also plan to make some projects out of the Underground Railroad quilt book my daughter gave me for Christmas. Oh, and I want to relearn playing the piano. I want to walk at least 30 minutes a day. We have some cool potential trips in the planning stages for 2023. And then there's the garden--so glad to have that extra weekend day as I am going to use it well come spring.

Best wishes for a healthy 2023 and for finding and being able to do the things that bring you joy!


  1. Sounds like you have some healthy goals and you know where you need to cut back where push forward! I'm amazed. Honestly, your Intimations of Austen is still one of my favorites! You're a wonderful writer and so happy to read what you offer up here. Are you thinking of going on a walking tour this year? I would love to do that one day. Good luck with your year and all you pursue.

  2. You have a very good set of goals for 2023 and I agree with Heather you are an excellent writer and I always enjoy reading what you have to say about books and life. Walking 30 minutes a day is so important. It keeps one healthy and I wish you good luck and happiness for the New Year.

  3. Love your goals for 2023. I wish you luck with all of them. Learning to weave sounds like fun, as does making those underground railroad quilts. Happy 2023! :D

  4. I did the same thing with my goodreads goal. One book per week is a comfortable pace, but I lowered the goal to 40 so I don't stress about reading other things... like the weekly New Yorkers that pile up at an alarming rate, newspapers, etc. Walking every day is important to me, too. It's often a favorite part of the day, especially if I'm walking on a beach. Good luck achieving your goals.

  5. Nice post. I didn't realize you were in high-tech marketing. If you enjoy it, then keep going. It's nice getting a paycheck. It's nice to branch out and do various things ... good luck with your goals this year.

  6. I'm with you, 50-ish books is a perfect goal for Goodreads. Some deserve an average of more than week to reflect on and ponder, after all.

  7. Great goals! I have the same problem. . . I would like to read more magazines, but I constantly feel like I need to finish whatever book I'm reading.
