
Sunday, May 24, 2020

2020 Big Book Summer

Nothing is the same this summer...except signing up for Suzan's Big Book Summer Challenge at Book by Book.

The challenge is incredibly easy...just read a book, or more, of at least 400 pages.

Here's my list of certain, probable, possible, and maybe candidates.

Nicholas Nickleby, by Charles Dickens - I started it and am on track to finish mid-summer. Goodreads Victorians group is also reading it this summer, which I am excited about because I can post thoughts there as I read.

The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck - I have been wanting to reread this book since high school, and this summer is the summer I make good on that wish.

Men to Match My Mountains, by Irving Stone - I always enjoy Stone's books, and this one about the opening of the American West has sat on my TBR shelf for way too long.

Devil's Brood, by Sharon K. Penman - the second half of the Eleanor of Aquitaine/Henry II story in Penman's march through English history; their sons are all grown up and ready to battle their father on the side of their mother, or is it the other way around? Putting the fun in family dysfunction. I love Penman's historical novels, and it's been way too long since I read one.

A Dance to the Music of Time, 1st Movement, by Anthony Powell - I have heard such good things about this series.

That should keep me busy while I watch the flowers grow on my back deck this summer!

Hope all my book blogging buddies are stay safe and healthy.

What are you reading this summer?


  1. Oh my gosh--Devil's Brood is on my list as well. I'm still wondering how I can get a hold of it. Somehow or other, I really don't enjoy reading a chunkster as an e-book. Our libraries here are not opening any time soon, so if I'm serious about reading it this summer, I need to get a hold of a hard copy. Do you own a copy of this one, Jane?

    1. I do have a copy--I think I got it at a used bookstore, but I cannot remember. It is rough not having libraries open. I still have a stack to return.

  2. This is a great list of books.

    I tend to read a lot of long books. I am currently reading Joseph Conrad’s Under Western Eyes which fits this category as it is over 400 pages long.

    Happy reading!

  3. Nice list! I loved Nicholas Nickelby and Grapes of Wrath -- I didn't realize GoW was that long. It's a much quicker read than Dickens. I started Powell a couple of years ago and could not get past the first book, the characters started to really get on my nerves. Maybe it was just the wrong time, many people love it.

    I have quite a few big fat books on my shelves, this might behoove me to take another crack at them. I got a copy of a lovely fat Hungarian book in translation for Mother's Day, as soon as I finish my current read I'm going to dive into it. Temptation by Janos Szekely, a new NYRB classic reprint.

    1. You really do come up with the most interesting classics! Hope Temptation proves to be a winner.

  4. I'd forgotten about this but I'm definitely going to join in! I think I might need to read some Dickens, too.

    1. A yearly dose of Dickens works wonders for me :)

  5. I like that you've made a list, and some good candidates on it. I'd like to squeeze at least one long novel in during summer .... and perhaps it'll be Pachinko which I always meant to read .... it clocks in around 500 pages. Enjoy yours!

  6. That's a list of books that definitely will keep you busy. Happy reading this summer! :)

  7. I didn't realize Grapes of Wrath was that long either!

    My mammoth Spring/Summer read A Bloodsmore Romance by Joyce Carol Oates. I've owned it for some years now and finally decided it was time. It clocks in at 615 pages and I am enjoying it so far. JCO is an interesting writer and this historical novel is very different from other books I've read from her. It is also a bit sly/tongue in cheek.

  8. Hi Jane, good list of books I am committing to reading Middlemarch bybthe end of the summer. Men to Match My Mountains has been on my list to eventually read as well.

  9. I have Grapes of Wrath on my re-read list. I read East of Eden a few years ago and was surprised at how much I loved it. I've been wanting to reread some of his books I read in high school and others I've never picked up yet. Good luck with your chunkster summer! Great goals, especially right now.

  10. I love your descriptions of your book categories! :-)

  11. I've been meaning to read Nicholas Nickleby, but I don't think I can tackle bulky books right now.
    Irving Stone is my favorite author too, I still have The Passion of Minds and The Greek Treasure on my TBR - might have to read it these days. Never heard about Men to Match My Mountains, though - seems interesting!
    Have fun, Jane!

  12. Hi, Jane -

    So glad you are going to join the challenge again this summer - looks like you have some great books picked out!

    Now, you just need to leave the link to this post in the sign-up (first) links list on the challenge page (link below) - then it's official, others will be able to find your blog, and I will know to include you in the end-of-summer giveaway!


    2020 Big Book Summer Challenge

  13. Good luck for the challenge! Of these, I have only read The Grapes of Wrath. I have actually just finished a big book, The Mirror and the Light (784 pages), as you know.
    My Summer pile is more modest:
    2 books around 450 pages. I know I'll love every page of the one by Randall Silvis, he writes so so well

  14. Welcome to the 2020 Big Book Summer Challenge, Jane!! So glad you are joining the fun again this year :)

    I love Dickens but have never read Nicholas Nickleby, and I haven't read Grapes of Wrath since...9th grade, I think?

    I'd also like to include some classics in my Big Books this summer.

    Enjoy! And remember, you can come back by the challenge page to leave links (in the 2nd list) to Big Book reviews, too!


    2020 Big Book Summer Challenge
