
Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Ten Books You'd Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed You A Fully Loaded Gift Card

Today's Top Ten Tuesday at The Broke and the Bookish is all about doing a top ten list you missed.

The one I missed and wanted to do was just last week: Ten Books You'd Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed You A Fully Loaded Gift Card

  1. A History of Modern Britain, by Andrew Marr 
  2. Commonwealth, by Ann Patchett
  3. Young Pioneers, by Rose Wilder Lane
  4. The Edge of the Empire: From the Heart of Rome to Hadrian's Wall, by Bronwen Riley
  5. The Cambridge Companion to Charles Dickens
  6. The Year of Lear: Shakespeare in 1606, by James Shapiro
  7. Lab Girl, by Hope Jahren
  8. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Sloot
  9. Hadrian's Wall Path, by Henry Stedman
  10. The Fall of the House of Dixie, by Bruce Levine

These are but a fraction of the books that are in my Amazon cart and/or on my GoodReads To-Read shelf, but they are the ones I would get with a gift card!


  1. How'd you narrow your list down to just ten? :)

    1. Fair question! I tended to pick non-fiction or new fiction that I couldn't pick up at the used book store.

  2. I didn't know The Cambridge Companion to Charles Dickens even existed. I think I might need that book!

  3. I would not even try to put together such a list. Because any list of wanted books has gone in to the hundreds or even thousands for me, I now just buy what I am ready to read right at the time that I am ready to begin it.

    With that your list looks super. I had not heard of The Edge of the Empire. I Googled it. It sounds very good. I would like to read it.

  4. Nice to see some of your current and longstanding passions in this Top Ten!

  5. Wow there's quite a few nonfiction on your list. Are you off to visit Hadrian's Wall by any chance? I would like to someday ... I will look at your #4 to find out more about it.

    1. As a matter of fact, I am in the planning stages for a 2-week vacation next summer to walk the full Hadrian's Wall Path, all 84 miles from Solway on Bowness to Wallsend. I cannot wait--it will be a convergence of so many things I love (walking, UK history, national parks, birding, Roman history).

    2. Wow Jane --- that's terrific! How long does walking 84 miles take? Can you do it in 2 weeks? & What book is a good guide to walk the entire Hadrian's Wall? I think my husband would be interested in this as well.
