
Thursday, November 06, 2014

Nonfiction November

Sophisticated Dorkiness I'm Lost in BooksRegular Rumination, and Doing Dewey are hosting Nonfiction November.  

During November,  the co-hosts will be reading and writing about nonfiction, and encouraging other readers to join in through a series of post topics and a couple of readalongs.

The task for this first week is to consider Your Year in NonfictionTake a look back at your year of nonfiction and reflect on some questions:

What was your favorite nonfiction read of the year? 
Twelve of my 58 books so far in 2014 (that's 21%) were non-fiction. I was actually surprised to see so many as I don't feel I read enough nonfiction, but I guess it's relative as I love fiction too!

So, my favorite?  I guess I would have to go with One Summer: America, 1927 by Bill Bryson.  I enjoy Bryson's style, I love reading about history, and this time period is absolutely fascinating with lots of larger than life people doing interesting things and the society struggling to catch up with technology, which is changing age-old conventions at breakneck speed.

What nonfiction book have you recommended the most? 

It has to be Orange is the New Black, by Piper Kerman.  I've recommended this to fellow bloggers, family and friends.  So many people have been watching the TV series, and I found it really interesting to compare the book with the series.  Not only in terms of what works best in each media, but how a memoir can become fictionalized.

What is one topic or type of nonfiction you haven’t read enough of yet? 

I set out in 2014 intending to finally read up on WWI, since we're marking the 100-year anniversary of the start of the war.  I have a number of books on my shelf in this area, but haven't read any yet!  Must do in 2015.

What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November?

I see this as a great opportunity to find new nonfiction books for my groaning shelves and meet some new book bloggers.   It's also a good way to start thinking about my reading plans for 2015--what I want to accomplish as a reader, and what areas/topics I want to learn more about.


  1. I'm reading One Summer right now and liking it a lot. I should be posting a review next week. I'm also looking forward to more recommendations. Enjoy the event!

  2. This looks to be great event. I am looking forward to reading many of the posts.

    I like your answer to the last question. Non bookish folks might wonder when people talk about personal reading goals, of course, some of us really do understand :)

  3. Orange is the New Black was excellent as an audiobook, too ... and much gentler than the television series!

  4. Came across your blog on the Nonfiction November summary post. I loved Bill Bryson's In a Sunburned Country and have this one on my TBR list. I also have Orange is the New Black on my TBR list - now just need to make time to read them!!

  5. You will DEFINITELY end up adding books to your tbr pile because of this event. I've started a wish list and have well over a dozen already, lol.

    I'd really like to check out OITNB one of these days :D

  6. I go back and forth on Bill Bryson. I usually like his history writing, but I struggle with his travel writing. I've seen lots of great comments about One Summer though -- I'll have to look for it. Thanks for joining us!

  7. One Summer sounds great. I love "slice of time" history and I'm nt sure I'vve come across Bill Bryson before.

  8. I have been meaning to read One Summer, so I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it! I'll definitely be reading it soon. Thanks for joining in Nonfiction November this year!

  9. I read Orange is the New Black a few years ago and really enjoyed it, I’m happy about the show not because I watch tv, but because it is keeping the book around :) Also, I've heard so much about Bryson but have yet to read anything by him.
