
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Best wishes to all my bookish friends for a Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm looking forward to finishing up my various reading challenges for 2014.  I am pretty much done with the Back to the Classics challenge but might get one more optional category (the movie!) under my belt before I call it done.  TBR Pile is still daunting with four books left to finish.  I also am reading the December book in the GoodReads TuesBookTalk group, and want to read The Chimes with the Pickwick and Victorians GoodReads groups.  Thank goodness I've got three plane trips next week, so that will give me some extra reading time.

Be sure to check in on Friday for my stop on the Jane Austen's First Love Holiday Book Tour.  I've done an interview with author Syrie James and I think you'll find her answers to my questions interesting.

If you're looking for some great Thanksgiving fiction, check out my review (from last year) of Ellen Cooney's Thanksgiving, short stories that span generations of a New England family.

Travel safely, eat hearty, count your blessings, and start your making your 2015 reading lists!


  1. A very happy Thanksgiving to you too! I always pack a lot of books for flying - I worry about running out of things to read, when books are the only things that get me through the flights.

  2. Thank you Jane and have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Jane! I'm fighting to finish my TBR challenge, too! And that was the one I was most anxious to finish at the beginning of the year. Looking forward to your Friday post!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Jane!

    I really want to read The Chimes myself and will try to squeeze it in this year.

    I am looking forward to your interview with Syrie James.
