
Tuesday, July 08, 2014

First Chapter First Paragraph ~ Tuesday Intros: A Hundred Summers

Every Tuesday Bibliophile by the Sea hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where readers share the first paragraph or (a few) of a book. Drop by to see what other bloggers are reading.
I desperately needed a break from heavy (albeit great) reading--I'm in the middle of Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and just finished Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth.  So I was thrilled when the library emailed me to say that I got to have a turn with Beatriz Williams' new book, A Hundred Summers.  I live in landlocked Colorado and rarely go to any beach, but there isn't a doubt in my mind that this is a classic beach book.
1. Route 5, Ten Miles South of Hanover, New Hampshire October 1931
One hundred and twelve miles of curving pavement lie between the entrance gates of Smith College and the Dartmouth football stadium, and Budgie drives them as she does everything else: hell-for-leather.
 The leaves shimmer gold and orange and crimson against a brilliant blue sky, and the sun burns unobstructed overheard, teasing us with a false sense of warmth. Budgie has decreed we drive with the top down, though I am shivering in the draft, huddled inside my wool cardigan, clutching my hat.
 I'm liking it so far, about a third of the way through, and I smugly think I know what's going on...but I bet that just means I'm falling for red herrings left and right!


  1. I just loved this book... such perfect 'relief' from The Bell Jar and House of Mirth. Enjoy!

  2. I'd grab it for the cover alone, but the first paragraph starts off good too, I hope your summer reading breaks works for you.

  3. I loved, loved this book! It's one of the best beach reads I've ever read - the perfect balance between frivolousness and just enough substance. And some great scandal!

  4. I so love that intro and the setting. I MUST read it soon. enjoy and thanks for joining in.

  5. I looked this one over on Amazon. It may be less light then it seems. I am curious to know what you think when you are finished with it.

    1. So, I didn't love it--3 stars, but it was still fun to read and a nice break from my usual fare. I found myself skimming the end, which is never a good thing.
