
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Christmas on Jane Street

Every Tuesday Diane at Bibliophile By the Sea hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where readers share the first paragraph or (a few) of a book. 

I know, I know…it’s then end of January and everyone has spring fever.  Nonetheless, my selection for today is from Christmas on Jane Street, by Billy Romp with Rhonda Urbanska.  It’s about a guy whose family sells Christmas trees on the same corner in New York City every year. I found out about it from a blogger last December, but I couldn’t get it until interlibrary loan found a copy for me this past week.  For some reason when I searched for it in December, it seemed that it was no longer available.  Now it's back on the Amazon listing at a good price.  Must get a copy. 

When my daughter lifted the green ribbon on my gift that Christmas morning, my heart started racing.  Despite what I do for a living, I’ve never been big on presents—giving or receiving them.  Up until now. This gift meant more to me than any Christmas gift I’d ever given, or received.  This gift carried a message I didn’t want either of us to ever to forget.


  1. My daughter wishes it was still Christmas. Of course, she's only two and a half. Still, I say any time of year is good for a Christmas read!

  2. The book cover is so pretty! I'll read a Christmas book any time of the year and this one sounds very good!

  3. This sounds like a wonderful book... no matter the month!

  4. Love the cover and the intro - I'd keep reading. enjoy thanks so much for joining us this week Jane. Hope you become a regular weekly participant.

  5. There is nothing wrong with a little Christmas out of season. I sometimes fret that if I want to read and blog about something for a particular date or season that I will fall behind and be terribly late about it.

  6. sounds soooo good... now you've got me stalking my library for it!
    thx =) -sincerely
