
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

2013 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

I really seem to be on a signing-up-for-challenges binge, but here's one that should be easy and overlap nicely with my TBR Pile Challenge.  It's the Historial Fiction Reading Challenge at Historical Tapestry.
The details are straightforward--over the course of a year, I can choose one of the different reading levels:
20th century reader - 2 books
Victorian reader - 5 books
Renaissance Reader - 10 books
Medieval - 15 books
Ancient History -25+ books
Without even trying, I know I'll be reading the following:
  1. Madame Tussaud, by Michelle Moran
  2. The Testament of Mariam, by Ann Swinfen 
  3. The Whiskey Rebels, by David Liss
  4. The Ninth Daughter, by Barbara Hamilton - the first in a mystery series with Abigail Adams as the slueth
  5. Cleopatra's Daughter, by Michelle Moran
  6. Thanksgiving, by Ellen Cooney
  7. Katherine, by Anya Seton
  8. Sunne in Splendour, by Sharon Kay Penman
  9. A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens
  10. The Last Runaway, by Tracy Chevalier
  11. Frenchman's Creek, by Daphne du Maurier
  12. The White Queen, by Philippa Gregory
  13. Thanksgiving, by Ellen Cooney
  14. The Pursuit of Mary Bennet, by Pamela Mingle
  15. 1876, by Gore Vidal
  16. The Testament of Mary, by Colm Toibin
I'm planning on finishing John Jakes' North and South trilogy, and finally reading Leon Uris's Trinity, as well as diving into some Jean Plaidy, and reading more from the incomparable Jude Morgan.
And I have a lot more historical fiction on my shelf, so I'm comfortable aiming for the Renaissance Reader 10 books) as a minimum.


  1. Wow! I join the challenge as well, but I haven't decided what book I want to read. You have quite a long list there.

  2. Lots of interesting challanges for you this year. As I too love literature and history your choices look to be really good!

  3. I really liked Trinity, and used to love the North and South mini series (I liked the books, too). I didn't like Katherine very much so I'm curious to see what you think once you read it. The character was just too passive for my tastes, and given John of Gaunt's passion for her, I just expected there to be more to her.

    1. Glad to hear you liked Trinity--Leon Uris is just one of those terrific story tellers! Katherine will be interesting--I've got to give it a try, it's been on my shelf for way too long!
