
Friday, December 28, 2012

TBR Pile Challenge

Okay, this is one challenge that I can definitely get behind.  Twelve books from my TBR shelves that I've had for over a year--review them and link to the reviews.  That I can handle.  Here are the details of the TBR Pile Challenge, hosted by Roof Beam Reader, if you want to take the plunge as well.

My list for 2013 for the TBR Pile Challenge--the highlighted books are linked to my review of them.

Brooklyn, by Colm Toibin - I love New York and am so looking forward to getting to know Brooklyn.

Madame Tussaud, by Michelle Moran - I won an ARC copy of this years ago, and it's languished though I know I will love it.

Hamlet's Dresser, by Bob Smith - I heard about this on a blog awhile ago, got it, and promptly forgot about it, but the back cover promises that it is "a portrait of a person made whole by art."

The Testament of Mariam, by Ann Swinfen - a gift from the author, it's about the sister of Jesus.

The Remains of the Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro - why haven't I read this book yet?  I know I will love it.

The Virginian, by Owen Wister - I bought my copy roughly 35 years ago in a used bookstore and have been meaning to read it ever since.  Someone told me it references Emma, so that should be fun!

The Whiskey Rebels, by David Liss - I love historical fiction, and I've heard Liss is at the top of the game.

Prodigal Summer, by Barbara Kingsolver - I am really becoming a Kingsolver fan, and as a gardner need to go back and finally read this novel.

The Ninth Daughter, by Barbara Hamilton - the first in a mystery series with Abigail Adams as the slueth.  I'm expecting this to be a lot like the Stephanie Barron Jane Austen mysteries.  I adore Abigail Adams so I hope it's good and worthy of her.

Cleopatra's Daughter, by Michelle Moran - I got this shortly after I finished Cleopatra, by Stacy Schiff, and then I saw another shiny object and this novel has been waiting patiently ever since.

The Leopard, by Guiseppe di Lampedusa - so many of the Regency and Victorian authors and poets I admire were inspired by Italy that I really am trying to educate myself about Italian life and politics.  This is a novel set in the 1860's that is reputed to be excellent.

Katherine, by Anya Seton - again, I've heard this book is so wonderful and yet it sits on my shelf, pining for my attention.

Alternates, which I will probably end up reading anyway:

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, by Alan Bradley - gotta follow the crowd on this one!

1876, by Gore Vidal - I loved his Lincoln, and I really have a gap in knowledge when it comes to the latter part of the 19th century.


  1. I'm busy thinking if I can add this challenge to the two I'm already doing since they all fit together! lol This one definitely sounds doable, since I have so many stacks of books to read. I laughed at your description of having The Virginian for 35 years now :-) I think I have books I have been meaning to read for at least that long too, like War And Peace.

    I'm happy to say I've read Prodigal Summer a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I've read Animal Dreams by her too, and it is just as good. I hope you enjoy it also, Jane.

    I'm curious how you will like David Liss, I have heard good things about his books, and how you like the Abigail Adams mystery - if they're good, I might try one also :-)

    Enjoy the challenge, Jane!

  2. What a great assortment of books!

  3. I was looking at this challenge a couple weeks ago! Ishiguro's also on my list, it's been such a while since I've read anything contemporary.
    Best wishes for the New Year!

  4. There are a few TBR challenges around for next year - I'm doing one too.

    You will enjoy The Remains of the Day and Prodigal Summer - well, I did! I read Katherine many years ago and my memory is that it was wonderful! I wonder if I'd think the same now. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on these and the other books you've listed.

  5. My record for a TBR book is 22 years - and I'm determined to read it this coming year. I enjoy TBR challenges, they really make me think about my shelves and what I've been piling up - though I continue to add to the shelves, which probably defeats the purpose! Good luck with yours -

  6. Looks to be a great list.

    I too loved Stacy Schiff's Cleopatra: A Life. Cleopatara's Daughter looks really good. I look forward to reading your commentary on it.

  7. Glad you're joining us for the 2013 TBR Pile Challenge! I haven't read any of these, but The Remains of the Day and Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie have been on my list for a while. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on all of these. Good luck!

  8. I've only read one of these, Remains of the Day. I remember it was slow but I did like it. And I'm also going to start reading David Liss -- he's coming to my book group in a few weeks! He's a local author and has agreed to come to our library's book discussion of The Coffee Trader, so that's pretty exciting. I haven't read any of his other books so I look forward to your review of The Whiskey Rebels.

  9. Brooklyn is a favorite read of mine - I hope you enjoy it!
