
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Paris in July

Having just returned from a trip to Montreal, I thought I would keep the French theme alive by participating in Paris in July, hosted by Karen from Bookbath and Tamara from Thyme for Tea. Since the guidelines are easy -- just blog about anything French-inspired, including reading books, movies, food, etc. -- even I can do this!

I plan to read A Novel Bookstore, by Laurence Cosse, which has been on my TBR shelf since last November, and I'm also going to a production of La Bohème at the Central City Opera.  I also will do my best to drink French wine instead of California wine during July!


  1. I definitely need to add some French wine to my agenda as well!

  2. I've never looked far enough into Paris In July to find out that it doesn't mean I have to add a new book to my reading for the month. I may just have to check it out - I can certainly find time to look into French food at least!

  3. Great idea! "Drink French wine" is now on my July to-do list ;-)

  4. How exciting! I'm going to Montreal in September and I cannot wait!! Oo what I great idea. I'm going to try my hardest to drink French wine instead of New York state wine this month. I just wish it was as cheap here as it was when I lived in France ;)

  5. I'm looking forward to hearing all about your French wine experiences! Here in Australia we have a lot of great wine of our own so we don't get a lot of chances to drink French wine!

  6. Ooh, A Novel Bookstore sounds interesting, looking forward to hearing more about that one. :)

  7. I went to a wedding where only French wine and food was served and the accordionist (the only music for the wedding) played La Vie en rose. I'm afraid that's as close to Paris as I get.

    Oh, finally watched Midnight in Paris, but that was last month!

  8. I hadn't realized A Novel Bookstore was set in Paris. I do want to read that one.

  9. I would love to hear about your trip to Montreal!
    Enjoy the French wine. :)
