
Monday, April 20, 2009

Lovely [Blog] Award

Margaret from Books Please recently gave me the One Lovely Blog award.. Thank-you, Margaret--that was a lovely thing to do!

Blog awards are one of the nicest forms of the infamous "chain letter" format - they are not based on fear nor superstitution, they make the recipient and the giver feel good, and they provide a way for more people to discover the blogs that speak to them. I'm still exploring the blog world, so I don't have a lot on my blog roll...just the ones I truly visit routinely and that contribute to the greater conversation that I feel I am part of...'nuff said.

The rules of the Lovely Award to follow are:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

I’m nominating the following blogs (in alphabetetical order):

A Work in Progess
Enchanted Serenity of Period Films
Justine Picardie
Of Books and Bicycles
pages turned
Shelf Love
Spirits Dancing


  1. Thank you for the award -- and what wonderful company I find myself in! I enjoy your blog, too, and I always know where to come for news of Jane and her workd. :)

  2. Thank you very much!! I'm very pleased to be honored here. Thank you for your blog too -- I've enjoyed getting to know you and your writing!

  3. Thank you very much, Jane. I answered the question you asked me in comments yesterday--or rambled on about it, at any rate, in a post on my blog.

  4. So sorry for my tardiness--I am always catching up on the weekends!! Thanks very much for kindly including me in your list! The sentiment is mutual--you have a lovely blog, too! :)
