
Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Jane Austen Treasury

I'm still slogging my way through The Independence of Mary Bennet, and will be posting fresh thoughts on it soon. However, I wanted to take a break from berating and write a few thoughts on a treasure I received for Xmas.

Rebecca Dickson's A Jane Austen Treasury, published by Barnes & Noble, is not only a beautiful, classy, well-written book, but thought-provoking as well. I had the good fortune to attend a JASNA session in which Dickson led a discussion on why Austen continues to find new audiences and is now at the peak of her popularity. Many of the ideas that Dickson shared at the meeting are in the book and make it worth reading.

I also just received a copy of Two Guys Read Jane Austen, which promises to be an absolute kick to read.


  1. This is a fabulous coffee table book. When I have a few spare minutes, I like to read a few pages and just soak up ... JANE.

  2. I absolute love this book! There is so much covered and it was so lovingly done. How awesome it is that you heard her speak! I loved her insight and commentary.

  3. Meredith - Rebecca is part of our regional JASNA group and she is a wonderful speaker. Glad you enjoyed her book.
