
Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Gaskell Journal - 2008

I recently joined The Gaskell Society and have been rewarded by receiving my first copy of The Gaskell Journal. It's a wonderful treat. I have been reading essays about Austen for years--I have a shelf of Persuasions, the journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America--books of essays on Austen abound. There's not that much out there on Austen. I'm still amazed I graduated from Colorado College with a B.A. in English and never read Gaskell as an undergraduate.

Anyway, I'm thrilled to get the Journal and feel like the cliche kid-in-a-candy store. Which should I read first? "A Word or Two here about Myself': Narrating Subjectivity and Feminist Ethics in Cranford;" "Elizabeth Gaskell's Legacy from Romanticism;" or "Statistical Analysis of the Structure of North and South: in the Quest for the Standard Interpretation."

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