
Thursday, October 06, 2022

Travelogue - Victoria

I've been visiting Victoria, BC for a week, starting with the JASNA AGM on September 29 to October 2, and then for a week with my husband.

The JASNA AGM was focused on Sense and Sensibility, and I thought all three general sessions were excellent, and I enjoyed all the breakouts I attended. I picked up two new Austen-related books--on one crime during the Regency (by Susannah Fullerton) and one by Robert Morrison, who did one of the general talks. It was great fun to talk Austen for 3 days, hobnob with Janeite friends, and learn to English country dance (I did one of the workshops--Regency aerobics!).

Here are some photo highlights from the JASNA AGM:

Ready for the banquet, Saturday night!
No, I didn't dress Regency but pulled a tried-and-true out of the closet for the first time in years.

The belle of the ball, dressed in the theme, City of Gardens!

The promenade of Regency-clad Janeites headed from the banquet to the ball.

After the AGM, it was on to Butchart Gardens--one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.

The Sunken Garden - a former quarry complete with cement factory, transformed into a wonderland.

The Dragon Fountain -  one of many gorgeous fountains

So many landscapes - I especially liked this grove of trees encircled by impatiens.

I also really loved visiting the Moss Lady at Beacon Hill Park. Inspired by the Mud Maiden in Cornwall.

Victoria is a wonderful city that caters to walkers, bikers, readers (lots of bookstores), and coffee drinkers. It is truly a city of gardens, with flowers everywhere, even in October! 

I've also enjoyed visiting a few other spots on Vancouver Island--Sydney was lovely and we really enjoyed visiting the Shaw Center for the Salish Sea, which is a small aquarium staffed by some of the nicest people on the planet. The Esquimalt Lagoon Bird Sanctuary was wonderful, with a large variety of shore birds as well as sparrows and loads of Brewers blackbirds...and a swan!

The sun has shone every day I've been here, and the weather has been mostly warm with a refreshing cool breeze just when you need it.


  1. Your trip sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing all your fun pics. :D

  2. So glad you had such a nice time and Victoria BC sounds like heaven. I have read my share of Jane Austen but attending a conference would be so much fun and you can learn alot at these conferences which I need to do because in addition to reading the novels it's important to know what Austen was trying to say and one book Jane Austen in 20 Objects or a title like that is said to be really good.

  3. It looks amazing there! It sounds like you're having a great time. I like the idea of the focus on Sense and's my favorite Jane Austen. Not sure if you're back yet, but if you're still there, enjoy the rest of your stay.

  4. Wow sounds great and I'm impressed you partook in the Jane conference. Awesome. I have been to Victoria a few times and always enjoy it -- many sights to see. I need to explore it further though ... usually I've been there for a tennis tournament so haven't been able to explore much .... I'd like to see the sights you have.

  5. How fun! I really want to get to a JASNA conference one of these days. I finally joined JASNA during COVID and I'm loving it. I haven't been to any in person meetings yet though!!

    1. Glad to hear you joined! The Denver/Boulder region is hosting the AGM in 2023, so I hope you can join us. It is P&P focused, and our lineup of confirmed speakers is looking good.

  6. What a fantastic event. The Moss Lady is my favorite.

  7. That sounds like an amazing trip! I've never been to Victoria or attended a Jane Austen conference. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.
